Heart with Title I inside
Sean Furniss
Sean Furniss

Director of Federal Programs

Katrina Schanck portrait

Katrina Schanck
Title 1 - Federal Program
Assistant to
Sean Furniss

Karen Lisa
Karen Lisa
Program Specialist
Grant Writing

A Parent's Guide to Title I

Title I, also known as improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged, is the largest source of federal aid to elementary and secondary schools. The purpose of Title I is to assist schools in improving student achievement, staff development, and parental involvement. Schools utilize Title I funds to enhance the district instructional program. All Citrus County public elementary and middle schools utilize Title I funds to support a school-wide program. The funds are utilized to add highly qualified staff, support parental and community involvement, improve staff development, purchase additional instructional materials, and technological needs. Our Title I programs help our students do better in school and feel better about themselves. Parents can become active in your Title I program by doing the following:

  • Learn more about the school, curriculum, special programs, Title I and your rights and responsibilities.
  • Teach your child in ways that will support what the classroom teacher is doing.
  • Participate and support your child academically at school and home.
  • Make decisions about your child's education and academic program.
  • Keep in contact with your child's teacher through telephone, email, or face-to-face conversations.

What is my role in supporting my student's success?

As a parent of a child in a Title I school, you have the right to the following:

  • Be involved in the planning and implementation of the parent involvement program at your school
  • Ask to read the progress reports on your child and school
  • Request information about the professional qualifications of your child's teacher (s) including the degrees and certifications held, and whether the teacher is certified in their respective area of instruction
  • Help to decide if Title I is meeting your child's needs and offer suggestions for improvement
  • Know if your child has been assigned, or taught by a teacher that is not highly qualified for at least four consecutive weeks
  • Help develop your school's plan for how parents and schools can work together

What is the school's role in supporting my student's success?

All of our elementary and middle schools are school-wide programs. This means that the school staff work together to improve the school's educational program in an effort to increase academic achievement for all students, particularly those who are low achieving and thus could benefit from extra supports or services. Title I schools are responsible for the following actions:

  • Send notifications to parents about the school's policy
  • Hold an annual meeting to discuss the school's parental involvement plan, budget, how funding is spent and the rights of parents involved
  • Develop jointly, with the parents of participating students, a school-parent compact
  • Offer parental meetings at various times
  • Involve parents in the planning, review, and improvement of Title I programs, including the school parental involvement policy
  • Build capacity by supporting the development of Parent Advisory Councils
  • Provide information to parents about the state standards and curriculum and how parents can monitor their child's progress

What is the school district's role in supporting my student's success?

  • Plan and implement educational programs, activities, and procedures as required under Title I that involve parents
  • Reserve 1% of Title I funds for parental involvement activities
  • Develop a parental involvement policy with the participation of parents
  • Provide full opportunities for participation of parents with limited English proficiency, disabilities and parents of migratory children
  • Conduct annual parent surveys and implement changes based upon the results of these surveys
  • Build capacity by providing early literacy and technology trainings that will help parents work with their children in order to improve achievement

If you have any questions regarding our Title I program, please feel free to contact me.

Sean Furniss
Director of Federal Programs
(352) 726-1931 Ext. 2201