Planning and Growth Management

Our goal is to provide the District and our citizens with a realistic vision of future trends in the community and to help guide day to day decisions and operations. Also, to provide the coordination of the district's capital planning related to concurrency requirements, student enrollment, population changes, program needs, new construction and facility renovation.

The Planning and Growth Management Department oversees the process for updating and revising School Board Policy and serves as the point of contact for capital project planning and intergovernmental coordination. The following functions are assigned to the Planning and Growth Management Department:

Provides planning services to the Citrus County School Board, Superintendent of Schools and staff.

Responsible for facility and capital project planning (Annual District Work Plan), attendance boundary planning (Annual Controlled Open Enrollment Plan), and land acquisition for new school facilities.

Oversees and manages the District's process for special attendance requests/attendance zone waivers (School Choice Assignments).

Oversees and provides support to the Policy and Forms Committee and the Long Range Planning Committee.

The Planning and Growth Management Department Director serves as the School Board Representative on the County Planning and Development Commission.

Contact Information:

Chuck Dixon,  AICP
[email protected]

Lori Willette
[email protected]

2575 S Panther Pride Drive
Lecanto, FL 34461
(352) 746-3960