The Citrus County School District has announced the Controlled Open Enrollment school options that will be available to both in-county and out-of-county families in the 2023-2024 school year. This enrollment period refers to the time when parents/guardians can request a transfer for their child to another school besides their zoned school.
School Choice applications are being accepted now through Friday, May 26, 2023. Families must complete and submit an online application via our website www.citrusschools.org.
School board members approved the Controlled Open Enrollment Plan during their regular board meeting on Tuesday, March 14th. The Controlled Open Enrollment Plan was discussed by the Long-Range Planning Committee on February 8, 2023. The committee supported the controlled open enrollment option to manage growth in student enrollment after staffing decisions are made and teachers are readily available.
“Our district is growing, and families are moving here at a rapid pace,” says Superintendent Sam Himmel. “This controlled enrollment is going to allow our administrators to staff their schools more efficiently and not be so disruptive for our teachers with students moving from one school to the next throughout the school year.”
Currently Enrolled Students:
Students currently enrolled in the district during the 2022- 2023 school-year will not be displaced by a student from another school district seeking enrollment under the district’s controlled open enrollment program. The ONLY reason families of currently enrolled students would need to fill out this application is if they are seeking to enroll into a different school for the 2023-2024 school year that is NOT the student’s zoned school.
To fill out a School Choice application, visit Special Attendance Preference Form (citrusschools.org). If you do not have access to a computer, you may obtain a paper application at the district office (1007 W. Main St., Inverness) or any Citrus County School.
If families have any questions, please call our Planning and Growth Management Office at 352-746-3960.