Crystal River Registration Form

New or Updated Information for Students

Childs Name:    AM - Stop Location:  BUS #: 


School:                 PM - Stop Location:  BUS #: 


The following information is needed to assist us in assigning your child to a school bus route. This form must be completed prior to assigning new students to a bus, or changes are made for students currently assigned. The transportation office will assign students to the closest available stop upon receipt of this form. If a stop is more than .5 miles from home or if the walk route to the stop appears unsafe, a bus stop change request can be submitted. All specialized transportation needs are determined by the IEP team at your school and will be sent on the Special Needs Transportation Form.  If you have any questions, please contact please contact the transportation office. 

Crystal River Transportation 795-0057; Inverness Transportation 344-2193; Lecanto Transportation 746-2714.

**Note:  Parent or guardian must be at the bus stop morning and afternoon for Pre-K and Kindergarten.  Students WILL be returned to school if the adult is not at the bus stop.  Parents/guardians are responsible for the supervision of students as they travel to and from bus stops and while they wait for buses to arrive.

Select the appropriate option:           

Student Legal Name                        Date:  (example: XX/XX/XXXX)

Date of Birth            For Pre-K and K: (needed to determine seating)       Height:    Weight: 

School Zoned For   School Attending  Grade:     Teacher:  

Parent or Guardian Name    E-mail Address: 

Phone Numbers:        Home          Work         Cell/Mobile 

Address:          City:            Zip Code:  

Child is (note both may be checked, at least one is required if possible)

*** Bus stops are assigned according to your address given– should you move – your address must be updated first by contacting your school and updating online through skyward, and by calling your transportation office. (see above) **

Shared custody needs:  Yes (parents must be within zoned school boundaries

 Address 1:  Mom:  Phone:    AM PM

 Address 2:  Dad:   Phone:    AM PM

Childcare Yes  (must be within zoned school boundaries)   Check ONE    Daycare  Babysitter  Grandparent Other  (Only 1 can be checked)

 Name:  Address: Phone: 

May your child participate in food-based treats/rewards?  YES  OR NO            

Please list any health concerns, medications, or food allergies the driver should be aware of in case of an emergency

List family members or other emergency contact authorized to pick up your child if you are not available. Picture ID will be required at the bus stopuse back of page if needed):

   1    Phone:     Relationship: 

   2      Phone:       Relationship: 

   3      Phone:       Relationship: 

   4    Phone:       Relationship: 

If your child’s bus is equipped with seat belts, he/she will be required, as mandated in the state law (Florida Statute 316.614),   to wear the seat belt while the bus is in operation.   Please ensure that your child understands that the seat belt must be worn.

Parent Signature: By submitting this form electronically, you are giving your permission.


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